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Soria Family

JANUARY 31, 2021

Thank you to each one of you who pray for and partner with us! You encourage us and accompany us… Here are some praise and prayer requests:


  • We were finally able to change Marco´s truck for a “younger” one!!!! Yeah!! We are SO thankful!!! …and thrilled to not have to worry about mechanics every time we turn around! Thank God with us!
  • We have had a good start to our year at El Jordan - remembering our Mission’s Statement with our team so that we can move forward together… We have also been working through questions like: “What kind of help HURTS and what kind of help HELPS?” “What are the best ways to transmit our Biblical values and principles to our El Jordan families?”
  • The continued “COVID Restrictions” have given us the time to work on fixing up our workshops – putting a roof over our field and changing the synthetic grass, remodeling the “classrooms” for the boys, painting the shops with a more welcoming color and more! God has provided for us, every step of the way! (The synthetic soccer field is for our boys… but also to rent out to help to sustain our program.)


  • The Bolivian government announced that schools will continue “virtually” until at least May 7th which means Keiden and Marlee continue studying at home… (Please pray for extra doses of tolerance, grace and joy as the kids – and I – work through 7+ hours of school from Monday to Friday!) I am stretched between “school at home” and my responsibilities at El Jordan. Could you pray specifically for someone to help us 2 days a week so I can dedicate that time to leading and walking alongside our El Jordan team?
  • As the “second wave of COVID” is hitting Bolivia, we walk step by step… unable to know what our restrictions will be a week or month from now… not wanting to miss out on opportunities today… nor get caught surprised by tomorrow…. so could you pray with us? - for wisdom as we move forward, that our ears would be in tune with HIS leading…

Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,
“This is the way; walk in it.”
Isaiah 30:21

  • Starting in February, El Jordan will have its “Tributary Identification Number” (a necessary step to fulfill all of our obligations as employers). This creates much more paperwork (pray for Alejandra as she shoulders this responsibility) and a much heavier financial burden for El Jordan as we fulfill the benefits required by law. For GOODS, our budget is increased by 13% and for SERVICES our budget is increased by 16.71% - in addition to the 16.66% in benefits we already pay out (Christmas bonuses and severance pay). These laws also dictate that employees pay 12.71% of their wage towards the government pension plan. We are looking at how we can best come alongside of our workers with these changes. They will be paying into a pension plan that will benefit them in the future but the question is if this leaves them with a feasible amount of money to take home each month. Please pray for us as we step into these new requirements, learn new systems and fulfill what is required by law. We thank the Lord for a local Christian accountant who has agreed to be our advisor this year.
  • In January and February, Bolivia commonly enters into an economic Slump – Christmas bonuses have been spent, people don’t have money on hand for “extras”, and the rainy season slows things down as well… so with the COVID numbers rising, and following a year of already being “stretched” – 2021 is no different - only amplified. The ones who suffer the most are those who live from day to day, who so easily “eat” their capital… and then have nothing left to invest nor eat the following day…. As I talk with different girls, I see fear reflected in their eyes as they wonder about increased restrictions and how they are going to feed their families… Could you pray with us as we figure out what “being the hands andCould you pray with us as we figure out what “being the hands andfeet of Jesus” looks like for El Jordan in these coming weeks andmonths? Could you pray specifically for our El Jordan families – evenmore specifically the El Jordan moms – that they will look to theAlmighty God with their needs and see how Jehovah Jireh provides?
  • There are so many people who are mourning… here and there… My kids hear my voice go “sad” on the phone and they ask, “Who died now?” Could you pray that our hearts would remain sensitive to the needs of those around us? Could you pray for The Church to rise up in this time to minister and comfort those around them as they themselves have been comforted? Could you pray that sad hearts would feel God´s loving embrace today, that those who feel they can´t go on would feel God´s strong arms carrying them through the valley, for those who have stumbled and fallen would know God´s forgiveness and grace to stand up and keep on going?

Thank you for taking time to pray for us and El Jordan… Thank you for partnering with us from afar… We appreciate you and thank God for you!

The LORD bless you
and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26

Because HE is faithful - in every situation,

Corina (for Marco, Keiden and Marlee)

Marco & Corina Clements Soria
WhatsApp: 591-776-90452
El Jordan: